Indigenous Languages
Indigenous Services at the Library - 2014 in Review
What a year 2014 was for the Indigenous Services team at the State Library. We made some great connections with communities, cultural institutions and researchers.
We also launched our much anticipated Rediscovering Indigenous Languages project.
Thank you to all of our supporters, collaborators and visitors for making it a great year! We are all looking forward to continuing our work with Library Services for the Indigenous community in 2015.
Here are some pictures of our year in review.
Made Connections with communities and other institutions
Indigenous Service team members with the Walgett Dharriwaa Elders Group
Members of the Indigenous Services team visiting the University of Sydney Archives
Hosted talks and events
The guest speakers who participated in the State Library’s NAIDOC event For King And Country: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Experiences In War
Redfern Conversations Now: Writer and director Leah Purcell and writer, director and producer Rachel Perkins talked about their inspiration and experiences of working on the series.
Rediscovering Indigenous Languages Website
2014 was quite exciting as the Library launched a new website that will provide unprecedented access to vital records of 100 Indigenous Australian languages – many considered to be critically endangered!
Visit the Rediscovering Indigenous Languages website here:
Image: Message Sticks (detail), Lucy Simpson, Yuwaalaraay woman (northwest NSW)